The digital railway programme is focused mainly on digital signaling technology, which aims to enhance safety and speed up train movement in a congested network.
- KL Monorail Platform Screen Door (PSD)
- Train Control and Management System (TCMS)
- Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Food & Beverage
Industry 4.0 enables a food manufacturer to assure its processes will better serve changing consumer trends. It will allow their workforce to gain new skills and take greater responsibility and to manufacture products more systematically and beneficially.
- Bread Making Line Industrial 4.0 Enhancement
The semiconductor industry is currently one of those embracing Industry 4.0. Some of the reasons for this are based around the far reaching supply chain the industry uses, some because of the size of batches is still large in some businesses.
- FMCS Power Sag With DySC Protection
Oil & Gas
Oil and Gas is where our industry meets the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an era where digital innovation is catalyzing economic progress and driving demand for everything that depends on the humble hydrocarbon molecule –from power, to fuel and the countless products that enable modern life.
- Korea Oil Platform SCADA System